Remembering 9/11/01: Is U.S. Patriotism Lost?

I wrote an article in May highlighting political correctness and how it has changed the face of America. Too many Americans have forgotten what happened on September 11, 2001; the patriotism and unity that brought us together, united against terrorism.

Here’s an excerpt:

After the events of September 11, 2001; America stood still. We were one nation; united, crying out for justice! We were going to leave no rock unturned to seek out the terrorists who took the lives of 3000 Americans on that fateful day. Our patriotism was on full display. I remember seeing American flags on every street corner, vehicle; even random people standing in the streets proudly waving our flag as a symbol of solidarity. It was the most amazing display of American patriotism I’ve seen in my lifetime.


I was on recruiting duty in the US Navy at the time. We had people lined up outside the doors desperately wanting to enlist. Our phones rang non-stop and enlistments were at an all-time high. Men and women from all over the state came into our office just to say thank you for serving our great nation. It was like no other time in my career… Americans everywhere looked at one another with the same sense of pride and determination; We are Americans and we will not be defeated!


“The planes were hijacked, the buildings fell, and thousands of lives were lost nearly a thousand miles from here. But the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were an attack on the heart of America. And standing here in the heartland of America, we say in one voice: We will not give in to terrorists; We will not rest until they are found and defeated; We will win this struggle; not for glory, nor wealth, nor power, but for justice, for freedom, and for peace; So help us God.”

~Tom Harkin


Tom Harkin’s words still resonate with me today. “We will win this struggle; not for glory, nor wealth, nor power, but for justice, for freedom and for peace [..]”. Freedom; what brave men and women have shed blood, lost life and limb for; has the definition changed since 2001? Have we as a nation forgotten the price of freedom? What our forefathers fought for? Are we willing to give it up so easily without giving it a second thought?


What happened to us? What happened to our great sense of pride? What happened to American resolve? Somewhere over the past 14-years, it’s been lost; transformed into a new culture where political correctness takes precedence over individual liberty and freedom. Americans are consumed with being offended and the need to shut someone or something down just because they disagree or it hurts their feelings. This isn’t freedom! It’s stifling freedom and individual liberty of others to appease “hurt feelings” and the perpetually offended.

What’s changed? Why do we allow political correctness to suppress patriotism? It’s become a code word for “extremist”, “fringe element”, “domestic terrorist” or whatever the left wing deems necessary to silence an outraged and slowly awakening America. We’ve seen it from our own President, labeling those of us against his monstrous Iran Nuclear Deal as “extremists”.

A large segment of America has become numb to the attacks against our freedom, liberty and display of patriotism. September 11, 2001 is portrayed in our schools as a “retaliation for acts of terrorism and aggression committed by the United States. Is anyone other than the “fringe element” outraged? Over 3000 Americans died at the hands of Muslim extremists, hell-bent on the destruction of America! Now we hear “Death to America” from the likes of Iran, yet we’ve negotiated a nuclear deal with this State Sponsor of Terrorism? We’re living in the land of the lost!

Since when is it acceptable to negotiate with terrorists? It’s not diplomacy. It’s a death wish! We’re afraid to offend Muslims, many of which have no problem wishing death upon us. Or worse, carry out “lone wolf” attacks killing innocent Americans. Wake up America and smell the tyranny that lies before you! Open your eyes to see who the real enemy is; terrorists who want to to kill us and our way of life. This isn’t propaganda – It’s reality!

I’ve personally been threatened by so-called members of ISIS because I’m retired military. I don’t know about you, but I will not be silenced by terrorists! Their threats embolden me; lighting a fire to not only protect my family, but this great country I swore an oath to defend! I will not be intimidated! I’m an American patriot. I’m not afraid to offend a perceived “protected class” of people who wish me harm.

I will never forget 9/11/01! It’s the day a sleeping giant was awakened. We need to find our patriotism and wake the sleeping giant within us all. Be ever vigilant and pray for our great nation. In the words of President Ronald Reagan:

“If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.”

Indeed, America is the last stand on earth. Is American patriotism lost? Or is it tucked away in the hearts and minds of every red-blooded American old enough to remember 9/11/01?

Here’s a reminder of what happened for those of you who have forgotten:

09/11/2001 Live Unedited CNN News Coverage From 8:50Am To 11:30Am

Never Forget 9/11/01! May God bless those who lost their lives and the family members left behind.


Angela Sanders

This article was first published on Western Free Press

Angela is also a contributor to The Liberty Eagle and Rebooting Liberty

Find Angela on Twitter at @angelacarwile


“Obama’s Military – Punishing Honor” American Duckie Exclusive!

Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. Isaiah 1:17

“Corripiendi sunt inquieti… oppressi liberandi. (The turbulent have to be corrected…the oppressed to be liberated.)” St. Augustine

Some people contribute so much to our world while others take whatever they can get from it.

Someday when the Book of Life is opened and we are all judged by what we did in this life, only then will we really know how much we impacted people and this world either positively or negatively. While there are all kinds of people in this world, they can be for the most part, characterized as either those who do, or those who don’t. Then there are those who support those who do, and those who subordinate themselves to those who don’t. Some people take sworn oaths, creeds and mottos seriously enough to live by them even if it means being punished for it.

I’ve been writing a lot about our military over the past few years, but I don’t know anything much about the intricacies of Military rules, regulations, chain of command or codes of conduct. I don’t know much about the art of war except for the things I read from those who have fought it. Often times I feel completely inadequate when I write about our troops and what they do, especially when it’s something in which people have degraded, mocked or disrespected them.

I have strong opinions and I write about things that I may not know, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist or even a college grad to know the difference between right and wrong, or what’s compassionate, sensible or honorable, and that which is cowardly and foolish.

Not ever serving, I can’t and won’t judge those who have, especially when it comes to the tabs, ribbons, awards and medals (Fruit Salad) worn by the upper echelon of the Military. The closest thing to judgment I will say is that for a lot of them, it’s all subjective vs. objective. Again, I don’t know enough, but I know that too often those “in charge” generally don’t care about how Rules of Engagement and other policies handed down the chain of command effect those who are on the front lines. I know it’s been this way for longer than I’ve been alive…but it’s worse now, most likely because too many policy makers have never served, or never served in the capacity that they demand obedience from those whom they send to war. The “Commander” in Chief has never defended this country, and except for deserters, never defended our troops.

We’ve seen the stories over the years where the ROE’s have damaged our troops and put them in more danger than ever. Since the “Commander in Chief” has declared the war over, we’ve seen how well his promise to pull out in Iraq has gone, and Afghanistan is shaping up much the same.

While White House spokespeople foolishly claim the Taliban are merely “armed insurgents” who deserve to have deals and prisoner swaps with, the Taliban are still killing our Troops. The latest attack happened August 7th which killed Special Forces Green Beret Master Sgt. Andrew McKenna and wounded others during an attack at Camp Integrity in Afghanistan.


I don’t know the intricacies of war, I only care about those who fight it or have fought. When they do their jobs, they hold the oaths they swore as a never ending promise, and those who serve in our Special Forces live their creed. Those who send them, do not.

I am an American Special Forces Soldier!

I will do all that my nation requires of me. I am a volunteer, knowing well the hazards of my profession.

I serve with the memory of those who have gone before me. I pledge to uphold the honor and integrity of their legacy in all that I am – in all that I do.

I am a warrior. I will teach and fight whenever and wherever my nation requires. I will strive always to excel in every art and artifice of war.

De oppresso liber

From the U.S. Army Special Forces Creed

Our Special Forces detest bullies, abhor those who harm innocent people, especially women and children, and have been steadfast and loyal to everything they believe in – De oppresso liber is loosely translated “from oppressed to free”.

When they see mistreatment or crimes against the vulnerable, they have not only the sense of duty to correct it, but the ingrained belief of righting a wrong act.

When it comes to recent wars and fighting Islamic terrorists, especially in Islamic countries, our government being sympathizers and some being devoted Muslims, have created a situation in our military which is completely incomprehensible to anyone with sense. Our ‘leaders’ are more concerned about Islamic “Host” countries which includes deferring to their ideologies, culture and religion, even if such practices are abhorrent and vile, than they are about the exceptional men they send over there to fight and help train the people to protect themselves.

It’s clear none of the upper command including Obama have ever paid attention to great leaders of the past including General George Patton who said, “There’s a great deal of talk about loyalty from the bottom to the top. Loyalty from the top down is even more necessary and is much less prevalent. One of the most frequently noted characteristics of great men who have remained great is loyalty to their subordinates.”

The past 6 years is replete with examples of ROEs and policies, transformations and social experiments done in the names of tolerance, equality and diversity. The latest example is as so many; reprehensible in the way our troops seem to have no one in upper command that have their backs. No loyalty.

Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland is a decorated Special Forces Green Beret with 11 years of exemplary service. He may be kicked out of the Army because he shoved an Afghan police commander accused of raping a 12 year old boy and beating up his mother when she reported the incident.  This would be an Afghan police commander that our Special Forces are sent to train and that U.S. tax payers are paying the Afghan government for.

According to FOX, when they had learned about the rape of the boy and of his mother’s being beaten, Sgt. Martland and his team leader confronted a local police commander they had trained, and when the man laughed off the incident, they physically confronted him and Sgt. Martland shoved him to the ground. Now his career is being threatened over it.

In Obama’s Military, the honorable are punished, social experiments are pushed and praised and our troops and our nation have been in more dangerous circumstances because of his keeping his campaign promises to withdraw troops, close Gitmo and now, the deadly Iranian Nuke deal he’s pushing. None of the upper command does anything to support our troops – those who did care, were fired or discharged, and those who are left go along to get along, and will join the ranks of ribbon/award/tab/medal bedecked politicos while honorable soldiers continue to do their duty and risk being booted out for it.

These guys don’t need people like me defending them. They need their chain of command defending them, and it’s deplorable that they don’t have it. Every time a situation arises where our troops are treated like crap from this administration, my respect and admiration rise as much as my indignation – because it shows just how dedicated they are to living their oaths.

I don’t write articles like these because our troops need my rants. I write them so people will hopefully realize what these men do to keep us safe while protecting the innocent around the world and what they often go through for it. If people can understand who these men are, maybe they will think more carefully about those they elect into public office – because ultimately the buck stops at the top. Our troops deserve better than to have to serve under a CiC who has done more to aid and defend the enemy than respect his troops or country. They’re no better served by our present Congress either.

God bless our Troops and Veterans. We’d be living in a much worse world if it weren’t for them. They deserve better that what we’ve given them.

Find American Duckie on Twitter at @ABiCduckie

First published on

Lawless nation: Death for babies and warriors

Exclusive: Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D., notes similarities in abortion scandal, VA failures

“But if the Watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman’s hand.”

~ Ezekiel 33:6

Physicians have traditionally taken the Oath of Hippocrates to preserve life to the best of their ability and judgment. Your doctor is supposed to be a “watchman” over your health and life. Yet today, with rampant lawlessness on the part of our government leading to the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings – from the most vulnerable unborn babies to America’s bravest warriors – physicians need to sound the trumpet. We cannot remain silent when life is at stake.

At one end of the spectrum the warriors that served our country here and abroad are denied prompt access to medical care when they need it, and many die waiting – either from disease or suicidal despair.

At the other end of the spectrum, euphemistically named “Planned Parenthood” is killing hundreds of thousands of innocent babies, then gruesomely and callously harvesting their body parts to be sold.

Worse, both the unborn and our veterans waiting for medical care are dying at taxpayer expense! Taxpayers have been told they are paying for “women’s health” and “medical care for veterans,” while both organizations bring death, not health.

Both Planned Parenthood and the VA have been shown to be violating multiple federal statutes. Both have a pattern of hiding their lawlessness from public and congressional scrutiny. Our government has failed to hold either accountable for their illegal actions. Whether deliberate or due to incompetence, the result is the same – death.

Lawlessness is out of control in many ways across our country. Many innocents are dying because of it. How can we expect the rule of law to prevail when it isn’t even followed in federally funded facilities that are supposed to care for health?

The VA issues were in the news months ago. They are being investigated, while veterans continue to die preventable deaths. Planned Parenthood’s flagrant disregard for existing laws is just now coming to light as a result of the investigative journalism work by the Center for Medical Progress.

Practices at Planned Parenthood that call for urgent investigation and possible prosecution include:

  • Trafficking in human body parts
  • Harvesting organs and removing them from babies who are alive.
  • Harvesting organs without proper consent from the mother.
  • Altering normal abortion procedures specifically in ways to allow salvage body parts for sale (such as liver, brain, heart, thymus, legs).
  • Failure to report statutory rape, thus protecting sexual predators.
  • Failure to attempt to save babies born alive in a failed abortion—instead using their organs.

Planned Parenthood has fought vigorously to prevent mothers from seeing an ultrasound of their baby prior to an abortion, knowing that the majority of women choose not to abort once they have seen the baby’s image and beating heart.

In addition, Planned Parenthood consistently violates the ethical requirement to obtain informed consent. Clinic staff mislead women by using words to disguise that “it” is a human baby: they call “it” a fetus, they tell women their baby is just a “blob of tissue,” “isn’t a baby yet,” or “it cannot feel pain.”

Planned Parenthood’s “talking points” to clients violate principles of “truth in advertising” required in other medical and business settings.

  • CLAIM: “Abortion is only 3 percent of our business.” FACT: Based on prenatal visits (fewer than 19,000), adoption referrals (fewer than 2,000) and abortions (more than 300,000), Susan B. Anthony List said abortion was 94 percent of “pregnancy-related services.”
  • CLAIM: “If Planned Parenthood is defunded, women will not have access to women’s health services.” FACT: In reality, there are thousands of federally qualified community health centers across the United States that provide all of the necessary women’s health services. Abortion is the only service not provided.
  • CLAIM: “Planned Parenthood is a women’s health organization.” FACT: The abortion centers are the leading killer of black and minority babies, following Margaret Sanger’s eugenics agenda to “exterminate Negroes.”
  • CLAIM: “Defunding Planned Parenthood would prevent women from getting mammograms.” FACT: Planned Parenthood clinics are not certified for and do not perform mammograms. All mammography services are referred to other facilities.

On Aug. 14, Congress sent a letter to Planned Parenthood demanding answers to the above issues. Multiple state investigations are under way, but the Obama administration has threatened to punish states that are cutting off state Medicaid funds to Planned Parenthood while they investigate violations of state and federal law.

Physicians and the American people must now be the Watchmen, sound the trumpet and act together to stop this lawlessness and its resultant slaughter of innocent babies and preventable deaths of our deserving veterans.


Written by Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D.
First published on WND

Tight Knit Blog Attack Mob Is Closely Connected with AOL/Time Warner and ABC News/Yahoo News – Are Thy Receiving Direction from Russia?

Gross lack of Professionals & some strange relationships were uncovered by #RedNationRising via @belle_river

What is BuzzFeed’s connection?

As previously distributed, just before July 4, 2015, social posts by one of our team members and one of our branded accounts were taken out of context and used to push a narrative putting Patriotism in direct conflict with Gay Rights. Worse, they used a photo of one of our team members to attempt to squelch his free speech and ours. Each mention of our brand or people in each and every article was completely irrelevant to the story and out of context with regards to the topic. This, to us, is a blatant attempt to first create and then manipulate news.

whatyourtoldThree things were important to us as we looked at the evidence. Where did it start, how did it move, and why. Not all of these questions have been answered; however, we are very clear on where it started. When we determined the source…

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Yahoo News Targets Non Profit Over American Flag

#FireKatieSol #RedNationRising


JULY 3, 2015 – Chicago IL: On Wednesday evening, July 1, the producer for our radio show was alerted to an article posted on Yahoo News, an ABC News property, that featured his likeness, under the headline: Homophobes on Facebook are ‘American Flagging’ Their Facebook Profile Pictures as a Protest Against Pride. Beneath this photo was the article subhead: This radio producer has been promoting the tool on Facebook. Neither claim is true.

The following morning, we began calling for Yahoo News and Yahoo corporate to explain the defamation, remove the image of our director and clarify that our non profit organization had never stated or promoted the flag, and tighten their sloppy journalistic practices that could result in such a patently false representation of a man and a non profit that are in no way opposed to marriage of same sex couples. His post…

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House Passes TPA on the Back of Federal Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters

Everyone knows Congress is capable of shady dealings; however, their latest shenanigans demonstrate we’re in desperate need of new leadership on the Hill. For weeks, Republicans, along with the White House have been pushing for so-called Fast-Track on an upcoming trade deal. Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPA) can only move forward if Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) passes the Senate. It failed miserably June 12th. In a procedural showboat vote, Speaker Boehner put the vote to the floor and it passed 217-209.

On the afternoon of June 18th, the House voted, and passed, Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) in a stand-alone bill without Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), sending it back to the Senate for approval. How, you ask? Here’s the super-sneaky, downright despicable, end round Speaker Boehner, Paul Ryan and others decided to use in order to pass the highly unpopular, TPA Bill.

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American Action Network in the Tank for TPP/TPA!

First Published on The Liberty Eagle

By now, nearly everyone not living under a rock, has heard about the Trans-Pacific Partnership “Trade Deal” and Fast-Track Authority (TPP/TPA) push attempted by Congress on President Obama’s authority. We’ve also learned how the word “transparency” in this administration isn’t exactly the same definition one would find in Webster’s Dictionary. This “Super-Secret”, must pass deal, may only be viewed by members of Congress behind closed doors who sign a non-disclosure agreement. Coming from the self-proclaimed, most transparent administration in history ya’ll! [sarc]

What’s even more interesting is the fact that the majority of American people are completely against this so-called “trade deal”. We’re not allowed to know what’s in it? Did these men and women in Congress forget they were voted for BY the people and most importantly FOR the people? I’m wondering if we should send them a memo reminding them of their duties and responsibilities regarding their main charge; representing the people who elected them…

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Who Will Rebuild Baltimore? Taxpayers? I Have a Better Idea.

Right Wing News reported yesterday, “The City of Baltimore has done a preliminary cost analysis of the recent riots and decided that the damage amounts to some $20 million. And now the city wants to send the bill to FEMA and have all the rest of us pay their bill.

The city has come up with its estimate and is planning on using discretionary funds for some of the costs. But tucked into The Baltimore Sun story is this…

Henry J. Raymond, Baltimore’s finance director, said the city can temporarily cover the costs from its rainy day fund while seeking reimbursement for up to 75 percent from Federal Emergency Management Agency. 

“The city remains on strong financial footing,” Raymond said. “Hopefully, with the FEMA reimbursement, it will reduce the financial stress that we’re under. In terms of the city’s overall revenue structure, we’re on firm footing and we’ll move forward.”

Both Gov. Larry Hogan and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake have requested federal aid.

Get that, America? Baltimore wants YOU to pay for its riots.”

My thoughts:

All of this, AFTER the Mayor who’s yet to accept an ounce of responsibility, tied the hands of police officers and allowed looters and rioters “room to destroy”. She, along with Governor Hogan honestly expect taxpayers to pay for the damages? I’ve got something else in mind.

Where I come from, you break it? You fix it! Baltimore needs youth programs, right? How about instead of granting “amnesty” to the “children” arrested for basically destroying their city, you put them to work? Don’t coddle them and help them play the poor, victim card! Hold them accountable for the destruction they caused and make them rebuild the city they destroyed.

Police Officers, along with construction crews will oversee the work and during this time of self-reflection and community service, they might learn a valuable trade. If they refuse to do the work, they get a one-way ticket right back to jail. THIS is leadership! THIS is mentorship & helping young adults break away from a crime ridden lifestyle into something productive.

I always hear about my “white privilege”. Let me tell you something about my “privileged” life. I was raised by a single mother who didn’t eat at times so her children wouldn’t starve. She worked minimum wage, raising three children; slowly working her way into Management at Wal-Mart. Yes. I said Wal-Mart.

At the age of 11, I took care of my younger siblings because my Mom couldn’t afford a babysitter at the time. When I turned 13, I started babysitting the neighbor’s kids for extra money. At the age of 15, I started my first real job at Dairy Queen. When I was able to drive, I worked two jobs in High School to help take the load off of my Mom. I provided for myself and helped buy my siblings school clothes, along with other necessities. How’s that “white privilege” sound so far?

I want to share something I’ve learned over the years. Although I grew up poor, my Mother taught me how to be independent, but most of all she taught me respect. Respect for myself and for others. If at any time I tried to pull what some of these “kids” in Baltimore did; rioting, looting and burning my city? My Mother would’ve turned me into the Police within two seconds flat – well, after she beat me within an inch of my life. Not only would she expect me to pay the consequences for my actions, she’d dare me to make an excuse. It’s called “tough love”.

I guess that’s the difference in today’s generation of parenting. Too many parents want to make excuses for their children’s bad behavior instead of holding them accountable for their actions. Perhaps if we hold our children accountable, then we, as parents, must shoulder the responsibility of holding ourselves accountable as well. Is that where the problem lies? Parents not wanting to face the harsh reality of disciplining their children? If this brand of parenting continues, we’ll be left with an entitled generation of brats who have no respect for themselves, let alone others. This breeds a lifestyle of no self-awareness or motivation to make something out of their lives. Believe me. I’m as protective as the next Mom, maybe more so than most, but I do realize at some point, I’ll have to force myself to cut the cord and allow my son to be a man when the time comes.

Parents…Come on! We’re doing our children a disservice by not allowing them to own their behavior and face the consequences of their actions. One day we may not be there to bail them out. Is that how you want your child to grow up? A victim, always blaming someone else and never accepting responsibility? It becomes a vicious cycle that will negatively affect your child’s future. We’re fierce, strong parents who need to introduce the very same values our parents instilled in us as young adults.

Look around Baltimore. What do you see? Your city nearly burned to ground with no consideration for residents or business owners who lost their homes and livelihoods. For What? Justice? How’s destroying your community and the people within it, justice? It’s not! And to the Mayor asking the taxpayers to foot the bill for the damage these young adults caused? Do you think that’s fair? Is that “justice”? I don’t think so.

Maybe it’s my “white privilege” that helped me make the right choices in life. Or just maybe it was a loving Mother who cared enough to discipline me when I was wrong and force me to learn the hard way; my choices in life have consequences. Regardless of what I’ve done in my life, my Mother has always stood by me. She’s been my rock throughout the greatest trials of my life. If having a loving and supportive Mother is considered “white privilege”? I’ll wait for a card to show up in my mailbox.

This isn’t a race issue America…It’s a community issue. A parenting issue. Something that can be changed if everyone comes together and holds each other accountable. Be the change you want to see in the world. Don’t expect someone else to do it for you. If you do, you’ll be waiting a long time. Government most certainly isn’t the answer. I hope to see a beautiful Baltimore; rebuilt by the little protestors who decided to burn it down.

Wake up parents! Do what your Mom and Dad would’ve done…hold your kids accountable. Keep their little tails off the streets and force them to see what’s happened to their community through new eyes. They may not like it now, but they’ll thank you for it later. Think of their future…and what a bright future it may be!

God bless all parents, struggling just to make it; for He is with you always. Love, compassion and discipline is the answer, my friends. If you take anything from my article, please remember this: Be the change you want to see in this world.

I found this image of Baltimore residents taking a moment to pray before clean up. It touched my heart.

.Praying-before-cleaning Baltimore

I’ll leave you with my life verse. It’s helped me through many trials in my life:

Luke 18:27 “What’s impossible with men is possible with God.” Amen.

First Published on The Liberty Eagle

Angela Sanders is a Contributor to The Liberty Eagle and Rebooting Liberty

Find her on Twitter @angelacarwile or @RNRKentucky

Draw Mohammed Artist Takes a Stand for Free Speech

Pamela Geller has become a “polarizing” figure according to several in the media, following a free speech conference held in Garland, Texas where she hosted a ‘Draw Mohammed Contest’. Minutes after the contest concluded, two armed gunmen attempted to storm the event with the intention of killing as many people as possible in the name of jihad. Fortunately, Pamela was well prepared and had armed security guarding the premises. The wannabe jihadists were killed on site. Two less murderous barbarians in the world. Thank you Texas Law Enforcement!

Pamela’s endured countless attacks from the media and self-righteous elitists who feel free speech should be limited as to not offend a protected class of people who, guess what? Aren’t a protected class. It’s infuriating to listen or watch the “free speech, but” crowd lecture someone on limits they’ve imposed upon free speech. Who are “they” anyway? Since when did the media…

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Do you stand for Freedom & Liberty or Sharia in America?

Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves”
Abraham Lincoln

Take a look at this diverse group of Americans attending a “Fight Islamophobia Conference” in Garland, Texas. A reporter for United West.Org, Damon Rosen, asked several attendees if they condemned blasphemy laws according to Sharia Law.

The Islamist Conference’s designated spokesman outright lied, claiming “there’s no such law in Islam”. Oops! Sharia Islamiyah ring a bell? Every other Muslim asked to condemn blasphemy laws either refused to comment or walked away. Not one single Muslim American condemned the barbaric blasphemy laws imposed by Sharia Law. Was it out of fear or do they honestly believe hanging, beheading, flogging, mutilation or amputation of those accused of blasphemy is “proper” punishment?

One American woman joining the cause did admit however, “Everyone in America has choice of speech.” When asked if blasphemy should be punishable by death; she…

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